Article in Bold Journey – August 22, 2023

Meet Mz. JewCee

August 22, 2023

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Mz. JewCee a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Mz. JewCee, we’re thrilled to have you on our platform and we think there is so much folks can learn from you and your story. Something that matters deeply to us is living a life and leading a career filled with purpose and so let’s start by chatting about how you found your purpose.
I wouldn’t say, “I found my purpose.” I would say that my purpose found me. When I was in 7th grade, my homeroom teacher was the gym teacher and the sexual education teacher. Mr. Fellers was down to earth and had a way of speaking with young teenagers in a way that was more ‘equal/adult’ than I realized at the time. He had a passion for making sure we understood sex. That was the beginning for me, although I wouldn’t realize it until sometime later in life.

Being a sexually open female is something that can be frowned upon in our society. I come from a generation where sex wasn’t supposed to be ‘fun’ for women. Women simply had sex to have babies. Pleasure wasn’t talked about…at least not for women. Research was even scarce when it came to the pleasure zones on women’s bodies. Simply put, it was a ‘MAN’S’ world when it came to sex and to this day in some degree’s it still is.

My passion was born out of curiosity and a need to know and explore my own sexuality and pleasure. I could not wrap my mind around why men should have all the fun and women should be demeaned/shunned for enjoying sex. I didn’t believe in the double standard, and I didn’t believe that women should only have sex to please their partner and have babies.

In my heart of hearts, I knew this was wrong. I knew that women needed to be educated about what their bodies could/can do erotically and sexually. I knew that the antiquated thought process that women “should not” enjoy sex had to be changed. I knew that most women didn’t even know what their bodies could/can do yet rely on a “man” to know how to please them, when they themselves don’t know what truly pleases them.

Through the years my purpose became clear. Internally I fought the outdated thought processes that I had lived by, because I knew nothing else. I explored, I read, I learned, and I studied to improve not only my own sexual health, but to spread the knowledge I obtained to others. My passion became MY PURPOSE!

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
What I do is…talk to people about sex and sell adult toys. That three-letter word that so many people are afraid to mention. I’ve watched people blush or walk the other way out of embarrassment. The word SEX and/or even talking about sex makes a lot of folks uncomfortable and that to me is an issue in itself.

Sex is one of the best gifts we can share with one another or even solo. It should be as natural is drinking a glass of water, but alas it is not. From enjoying sex as, a couple to engaging in alternative sexual lifestyles, talking about sex is still a taboo subject and a subject that makes a lot of folks feel awkward and unable to express their desires.

The judgement that is placed on Sex Workers is unbelievable, especially since they are a viable part of our community. …in other words, Sex Workers ‘do’ what a lot of women/men won’t do for their partner. Alternative Lifestyler’s can’t share their kinks/fetishes in “mainstream” conversations because of course there is only ONE way to enjoy sexual pleasure/stimulation. Anything else may be considered inappropriate.

Adult toys make some men feel defensive. I’ve engaged with thousands of men over the years that will say things such as, “She doesn’t need that (an adult toy), she has me.” Not realizing that she is the one stopping and looking at my display at the event.

I’m in a business where I get ‘knocked’ down constantly. I’m not allowed to vend at some events because of what I sell – adult toys. We have been raised to believe that sex and anything to do with sex is great behind closed doors, but not out in the open where people can see that you just might enjoy pleasure.

Our Sex Education classes are outdated and inadequate. They only teach how to have a baby – as a matter of fact, they give you the step-by-step instructions. What I LOVE about what I am doing, is answering the questions that Sex Education and Society refuses to answer. Talking to women especially about their bodies and the beauty of knowing their own pleasure. Giving them a voice when they are with their partner so that they can be a viable part of their sexual activities. Letting men know that they should not be intimidated by a toy but learn to incorporate the toy into their sexy time.

I along with my Erotic Sisters (called the Erotic 7) put on Erotically Educational Events that affords an atmosphere where individuals, couples or groups can learn about the different lifestyles in a safe unjudgmental arena. From hands on training to panel discussions to seminars and demonstrations, there is something for everyone to enjoy at our Event.

The Ebony Erotic Experience is an Annual Event that is back on the books since COVID. This Event will be hosted in Cleveland, OH – October 27th & 28th, 2023. EEE is tailored for POC & their supporters. Our goal is to Educate, Enlighten and Engage our attendees, furthering their sexual education, their relationship goals and introducing them to a variety of opportunities in self-love and pleasure. Tickets are available on Eventbrite at: The Ebony Erotic Experience – The Second Cumming – Burlesque Edition.

EEE is a Labor of Love Event in which our Guests can be their sexual authentic selves. We encourage our guests to enjoy an atmosphere that is geared toward Erotic Education. There are so many myths and misinformation out on the world wide web and in other resources that it is paramount that we get Eroticism right for a change. All we ask of our guests is to keep an open mind and be ready to Enhance the Romance and learn something new about their Erotic Journey.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Well first as I mentioned before would be Mr. Fellers my homeroom teacher in Junior Hight School. Second would be my mother who also was an educator. She always told me, “To open the book and read it for yourself.” In other words, don’t always take things at face value or go by what other people are telling you. Do your due diligence and draw your own conclusions. Third my father who taught me to not wait on everyone else in order to do what I love to do.

As I look back on my journey to become secure in what I’m teaching others, I have to take a moment to reflect on these three individuals that gave me the strength and the courage to step into what is truly not a popular arena. I get more no’s when it comes to selling adult toys at functions than I care to admit. People are very closed minded when it comes to even having the conversation about sex. I watch people practically break out in a spring past my vendor table when I set up. I see the faces of people when they figure out what I’m selling. I can see the change in people’s mindset when I begin to ask them questions about their sexual education and where they got their thoughts from if they have never tried something sexual before.

I’ve taken the time to get the formal education, but most importantly I’ve taken the time to stop, look and listen in my own sexual journey. I can relate to the antiquated thought process when it comes to sex, because I’ve been there, and I broke free of the ‘sexual box’ that someone else built for me.

The best way to improve yourself is to never say never. Always be willing to learn and to let go of thought processes that serve others best and you in the least.

One of our goals is to help like-minded folks with similar goals connect and so before we go we want to ask if you are looking to partner or collab with others – and if so, what would make the ideal collaborator or partner?
I am ALWAYS looking for people that are Sex Positive to work with and collaborate with. From talking on podcasts/broadcasts to working on events that will educate people about various Lifestyles and Sexual Health.

I can be reached at: or 872-221-0430 (Google Business Number) if you are interested in collaborating and/or having Mz. JewCee at your next Event.

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Mz. JewCee’s Photo: Studio 57 Photography

Suggest a Story: BoldJourney is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

Education is KEY!

Mz. JewCee is Advancing her Education! …ok this is not an easy task…but a necessary one!

Mz. JewCee like so many other women, put on hold her formal education to take care of her child as a single divorced mother. In her attempt to return to her formal education roots, LIFE happened and it just never seemed like the right time to return. …you know…bills had to be paid, food, shelter and clothing needed to be bought ~ horrific accidents happened and job lay offs… Mz. JewCee always wanted to go back…just could not make the time and/or had the finances to continue…

What she did in order to continue her Erotic Education was READ! She read and put her personal experiences to the test. She developed an Erotic Empire with the formal education she had obtained and the constant research that grew her business. She surrounded herself with like-minded professionals – and learned from them as well…

Mz. JewCee NEVER stopped learning and she is proud to announce that she has finally begun the completion of her formal education! She is back in class gaining more knowledge and will become a Certified Sexuality Coach before the end of 2021!

Mz. JewCee admits that the courses she is taking are TOUGH – they are testing her knowledge and adding to her already vast understanding of Sensuality & Sexuality. …you can ALWAYS learn more… As a matter of fact, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS WANT TO LEARN MORE!

Mz. JewCee is EXCITED to be on this JewCee Journey to not only advance herself, but to be able to assist more people with their relationship issues, self-love, empowering women and so much more!

Stay tuned for more of her JewCee Erotic Education Journey!

Shame My Body No More!

Body Shaming seems to be the ‘in-thing’ to do for some miserable individuals who have there own internal issues going on.

Let me begin with the OBVIOUS… IF we were ALL supposed to look the same, we would have been created the same. …of course we ALL know this not the reality of the situation.  We should be celebrating our individuality instead of tearing down those who appear different from ourselves.

For far too long we have been misguided and misinformed of what BEAUTY is. We have been ‘hood-winked’ into believing that a certain: height, weight, hair color, eye color, skin color, dress size, pant size, shoe size, nose size, breast size, butt size, hip size, arm length, waistline, shirt size, eyebrow arch, eyelash length,  nail length, manicure/pedicured nails (ok maybe this one should be done at the very least) is beautiful. This is too much for me to even try to keep up with and I know I missed several items.

There is nothing wrong with embracing your imperfections because that is something WE all have in common. There are times when we simply put too much emphasis on what other people think about us. Especially with the invention of social media where total strangers get the opportunity to subject you to their cruel comments while hiding behind a keyboard.

One of the business ventures I am most proud of is Jewcee Boutique Erotic Ambassadors. These Lingerie Models are from ALL walks of life and are of ALL shapes and sizes. Each one of them is  BEAUTIFUL in their own skin. They have embraced who they are and who they will become. They learn to LOVE their curves ~ their scars ~ their existence. Each time they step onto a runway they know that they are representing their body type. They also know that there is a woman that is sitting in the audience that needs that little boost of confidence to embrace herself and her body just as she is!

It is imperative that we continue to find ways to Celebrate our bodies with ALL of its: Lumps ~ Bumps & Chuckholes! We need to embrace our differences in our bodies as unique and unapologetic. From Stretch marks to scars ~ this is who WE are…beauty in its most IMPERFECT PERFECT FORM!




JewCee Boutique LIVE Toy Talk has a NEW start time! This Sunday, December 17, 2017 at 8pm (CST) ~ Tune in as Mz. Jewcee and her Fabulously Erotic Co-Host Ms. Entyce GO LIVE on Facebook!

Our Topic: Erotic Henna…and so much more! LIVE DEMO ~ ON LIVE MODELS!
Cum be apart of the ADULT Conversation! Chime in! Learn more about how you can add this Erotic art form to your bedroom!

Facebook Name: Dee Ju-Cee Tails

#jewceeboutiquelivetoytalk #MzJewcee #MsEntyce #JewceeJourney #JewceeBoutique #EroticEmpire #Adulttoys #Henna #edibleToy Talk 3a

TONIGHT: Jewcee Boutique LIVE Toy Talk!

When you have as lovely of a Co-Host as Mz. Jewcee does…your ratings are bound to RISE! Please join Mz. Jewcee and her FABULOUS Co-Host Ms. Entyce as they take you on an Erotically Educational experience!


JewCee Boutique LIVE Toy Talk has a NEW start time! This Sunday, December 10, 2017 at 8pm (CST) ~ Tune in as Mz. Jewcee and her Fabulously Erotic Co-Host Ms. Noel aka Ms. Entyce GO LIVE on Facebook!

Our 1st Episode has over 1.3k views… We plan on DOUBLING that number this week with a look at DILDOS!

Cum be apart of the ADULT Conversation! Chime in! …and most importantly…Check-out what Ms. Entyce will be wearing from JewCee Boutique!

Facebook Name: Dee Ju-Cee Tails

#jewceeboutiquelivetoytalk #MzJewcee #MsEntyce #JewceeJourney #JewceeBoutique #EroticEmpire #Adulttoys

Toy Talk 3

JewCee Boutique Presents: Toy Talk


Sunday, December, 3, 2017

JewCee Boutique Presents: Toy Talk LIVE!

Join Mz. Jewcee as she talks to you about the Latest and Greatest Adult Toys on the market! Get HONEST & FUN Testimonials regarding: Lube ~ Vibrating Toys ~ Dildos ~ C-Rings ~ Games and so much more!

From the Bullet to the Rabbit ~ Mz. Jewcee will give you a comprehensive look at the Adult Toy Industry! With over 200k+ toys at her disposal, there is something for EVERYONE to enjoy!

Ask questions and make comments ~ cum be apart of this LIVE Adult Conversation!

…so get your wine together and your notepad ready and lets TALK ADULT TOYS!Toy Talk LIVE

Erotic World Media – Ebony Exotic Experience Write-up

Hello Blog Family!

Please take a moment to ready the FANTASTIC write-up on Erotic World Media that talks about the 2017 Ebony Exotic Experience! Let Mz. Jewcee know what you think…

We are gearing up for 2018’s Event…so this article could not have come at a more timely time!

Mz. Jewcee wants to THANK PERSONALLY Mr. Curtis Isom for attending and taking a chance on a NEW Erotic Event.

Mr. Curtis Isom – Erotic World Media
Curtis Isom

Grace & Awareness

Variety is the spice of LIFE!

There are times when we get into a rut within our relationship. We find ourselves doing the same old thing because it’s familiar…because it’s safe.

RomanceRelationships ~ especially our personal relationships are like plants. They need certain things in order to grow and flourish. Otherwise they wither up and die. When we are with someone for a long period of time, we may forget this aspect of cultivating our relationship. Trying new things keeping our relationship Hot & Fresh.

We tend to get complacent…comfortable. We think and believe that now that we have the person of our dreams, the “work” is over. We forget that truly the WORK has just begun. WE as people change and evolve.

We are forever changing and adapting to our surroundings and the includes our relationships. Just think about it…what you thought in your 20’s is not how you think in your 30’s. Most of us grow as individuals. Circumstances change us. We let go of the old and take on new challenges. …this transformation should also happen within your personal relationship. We must be aware of the fact that our personal relationship will change. …and of course we want it to change for the better.

It is easy to get stuck in a rut if you are not paying attention to your partner. If you are not noticing the changes that are taking place right before your eyes. It is easy to be in denial about your personal relationship if you are the type of person that does not recognize change.  Change will happen whether you want it to or not. It is a part of LIFE. You simply must meet change with grace and awareness.

Grace is like water to a plant and awareness is like sunshine. Plants need water and sunshine to thrive…our relationships need grace and awareness to grow as well. …so take the time to cultivate your relationship. Check on it to make sure it’s not in a rut. Clear ~ Concise ~ Communication can be the beginning of an even stronger bond.

Enjoy ~ Enlighten ~ Embrace ~ Eroticism


ME TOO…I Challenge My Readers

To My Many Followers:

ME TOO is a way of sharing your personal story of sexual abuse, harassment and/or rape. Mz. Jewcee understands that this is mostly for women, but she believes that the same things happen to young boys and even men… …and Men report it LESS than women do.

The ultimate betrayal is when it’s your immediate family or possibly a neighbor or someone you no longer see and they decide one night that, they aren’t done with you.
Or simply ALL 3…Yes Mz. Jewcee is among hundreds of thousands of women and men who was sexually abused. First at the hands of her brother on top of a pile of dirty clothes in the basement (my “real” same mother and father brother – in their house) ~ then by a neighbor (old white man – who thank God died) ~ then by an ex.
Often Mz. Jewcee has been told to write a book…but who would believe the life that I’ve lived. The pain I’ve gone through. Hard for me to believe that I’ve SURVIVED such horrors in my life and still have the capacity to LOVE.
Hard for me to write this…but if it helps someone to SPEAK UP…then I will bare my sole so that someone else can SOAR WITH THE EAGLES.
If you are reading this and you are in a situation that you know isn’t right…REPORT IT. Don’t hold it in. Don’t let it simmer within you for your entire life. Don’t think for one minute that you are ALONE and NO ONE will understand and/or NO ONE will BELIEVE YOU! SAY SOMETHING! SCREAM IT IF YOU HAVE TO! There are people and places that can help you and put your predator behind bars and/or under the jail…or even a missing person…ijs…
I challenge my readers/blogger/guests to write their own story in the comments below. You are not alone and you will not be judged. Male or Female – express yourself.
Praying Hands

How Many People Do You Have In Your Bedroom…?

Mz. Jewcee has met thousands of people over the years to talk about SEX. However, she is noticing that so many are stuck in a rut when it comes to SEX! Couples especially…

When it comes to sex it appears that the conversation becomes stuck in our throats about what we really want to obtain from the physical act. The lack of talking about sex becomes so overwhelming that we don’t actually reach our full potential of pleasure.

Mz. Jewcee took some time to think about why this happening. Why are individuals and couples not as fulfilled in their sexual relationship as they should be? …and it dawned on her…


Now this isn’t to say that the ‘people’ are “physically” in the room while you and your partner are having sex…but their ideals are…. We tend to take our friends, family, church folk, co-workers and even strangers – opinions of sex to the bedroom with us…causing a lot of OVER-CROWDING when it comes time to actually have sex.

When you host as many adult toy party’s as Mz. Jewcee has, you begin to see a trend, especially among women in the room. …and what is really sad to Mz. Jewcee is, these women believe that they have thought of all this negativity towards sex all on their own. When in fact, they are simply living out what they have heard from ‘others’. Unwilling or too scared to attempt to try something that has been put on the TABOO list – by ‘others’.

From not sucking dick to NO ANAL sex to forget about adding another female to the bedroom from time to time…. Yeah…NONE OF THIS is going down.

Mz. Jewcee is attempting to EMPOWER women with KNOWLEDGE and doing certain sexual acts so that they enjoy what they are stepping in to. Mz. Jewcee is breaking down the walls of an oppressed sex life with the ladies…showing them that they are living out someones elses perception of the ‘perfect sex life’ and thus the reason they are not fulfilled – nor are they fulfilling their partner.

Walking away from the familiar is never easy, but in the long run it is very much worth it. Freeing yourself sexually from the chains that bind your creativity in the bedroom can only liberate you and assist your personal relationship with your partner. This bond can be one of the strongest bonds you can encounter.

…so the next time you say NO to something that your partner might be interested in trying. Stop and think for a moment… Is this YOU saying no ~ or the “other people” that you have allowed to influence your sexual happiness saying no.  …believe me when I say…they probably are not speaking from a place of actual knowledge and are just speaking from a place of ignorance (for lack of a better term).

In closing… Enjoy ~Enlighten ~ Embrace ~ Eroticism!
